The Public
How can I get safe treatment?The JCCP has been established to assist members of the public who are seeking/considering or undergoing non-surgical and hair restoration surgery treatments (Injections, Fillers, Lasers, Peels and Hair Restoration Surgery) with advice on patient safety matters and how to gain access to registers of approved practitioners.
Read More Raising A Concern Treatments Guide
How can the JCCP help me as a ‘Practitioner’?The JCCP has been established as a vehicle to promote patient safety in the world of non-surgical aesthetics and hair restoration surgery. It achieves this by the provision of information/advice to the public and its ‘Practitioner Register’. Practitioners must meet stringent entry requirements, sign up to a strict Code of Practice and operate within a new set of standards and competences.
Why should I as an education and training provider register with the JCCP?There are many high-quality training providers working in non-surgical aesthetics however there are many who are offering sub-standard and unrecognized qualifications, supported by questionable accreditation routes and who are using misleading marketing tools to attract trainees.